The course prepares the student for an All-Lines Insurance Adjuster license consisting of 40 hours and of a Professional Real Estate Inspector license consisting of 194 hours.
Many beginning adjusters who work property claims (i.e., houses and commercial buildings) have little or no construction knowledge, which can negatively impact their claim volume and earning potential.
Our unique program goes well beyond theoretical concepts taught by most schools. In addition to earning your adjuster license and obtaining Xactimate certifications, you will learn construction and more to become a Professional Real Estate Inspector as well, providing another source of income.
Adjusters who are also Professional Real Estate Inspectors are in great demand due to their vast knowledge.
The license allows the licensee to process claims for homes, auto, marine, aviation, commercial, crop, liability, worker's compensation, bonds and more.
In general, licensees investigate insurance claims by interviewing the claimant and witnesses, consulting police and hospital records and inspecting property damage to determine the extent of the company's liability.
At Legends Real Estate School, the emphasis of the course is on Real Estate Construction and Catastrophes.
Here, we do not have a make-believe simulation house in a classroom nor do we use a virtual house to teach inspections like some schools do.
Instead, we physically meet at actual homes in the DFW area and teach students how to inspect them.
We also register our graduates with the largest firms in the country that specialize in catastrophe claims management such as tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and similar catastrophes.
What kind of money can catastrophe insurance adjusters make?
It depends on the number of properties they can or want to inspect in a day or in a week or in a month and the market value of the property.
(1) 194 Hours of Professional Real Estate Inspection
(2) 40 Hours of All-Lines Licensing Class
(3) 24 Hours of Xactimate Level II (The 3-Day Xactimate Level II Training is for adjusters who have completed the 194 and the 40 hours and need to learn the Xactimate software.)
Class Dates: Feb 24-25 & Mar 2-3
Enrollment Deadline: Feb 19
Enroll in the February-March class
Class Dates: Apr 20-21 & 27-28
Enrollment Deadline: Apr 14
Enroll in the April-May class
Class Dates: Jun 22-23 & 29-30
Enrollment Deadline: Jun 16
Enroll in the June class
Class Dates: Aug 17-18 & 24-25
Enrollment Deadline: Aug 11
Enroll in the August class
Class Dates: Oct 19-20 & 26-27
Enrollment Deadline: Aug 13
Legends Real Estate School has partnered with
to prepare you to enter the exciting and rewarding career of an Insurance Adjuster.